Spark Wonder. Invent Possible.

What is Inventivity™? The Cade Museum invented this word to describe the mindset required to invent something transformational.

/in ‘ven(t)ivədē/ – noun

  1. Courage to embrace problems without apparent solutions
  2. Resilient despite setbacks, believing failure can be just as useful as success
  3. Confident that key insights will come from unexpected sources

The Inventivity Framework™ is a proprietary educational framework designed by the Cade Museum that teaches science through the lens of invention. Through investigation, exploration, and observation, students will be immersed in varied experiences that foster the development of an inventive mindset.

Within the Inventivity Framework™ are The Pillars of Science™ and Building Blocks of Invention™, which provide a comprehensive foundation for learning fundamental science concepts and connecting those concepts with foundational inventors, relevant skills, and current tools. The Cade partners with subject matter experts and professional organizations to inform and support core content areas within the framework.

All of the Cade Museum’s content, outreach, and programming is designed and developed using the Inventivity Framework™.

The Cade Museum uses the Cade Way to implement the Inventivity Framework™. The Cade Way celebrates uniqueness, resilience, and excitement in learning.

We teach to inspire through invention and spark wonder in the community and beyond!

Building the Future Together

Imagine what we can do together to close the education gap in our community and spark wonder in the lives of the next generation.
