Performance Evaluations Made Easy

Harold Fethe is the inventor of the Visual 360 Interface, a software tool to make rating employees more accurate and faster than traditional methods.


Experiencing Food

Is food just food, or is there a power behind the experience of eating that can bring people together?


Testing CBD and Hemp

Cannabis and hemp.


Feed the Future

Technology and farming always have mixed well in the United States, but in many other countries, particularly in the underdeveloped world, it’s a different story.


Ceramic Material That Can Grow With Bones

In 1969, Professor Larry Hench developed a glass that can grow with bones.


Using Salamander Tissue to Repair Human Skin

Jonelle Toothman has done a lot.


4H and Innovation in Agriculture

“Head, Heart, Hands, and Health,” otherwise known as 4-H, is all about developing young people, a mission that overlaps with the Cade Museum.


Targeted Natural Enzymes to Treat Chronic Inflammation

Our 2019 Cade Prize winners, Greg Hudalla and Ben Keselowsky, have invented a new way to control inflammatory diseases such as arthritis.


Redefining Computer Science

Tony Barr has invented several computer programming languages, including the Statistical Analysis System, better known as SAS.


El Doctor y La Bebida (Spanish-language episode)

Alex De Quesada Sr.
