Stefano Alva, joins host Richard Miles to discuss how Farm to Flame Energy is providing affordable and renewable power in areas across the country.
“So, the fuel that we’re using to power our generators is really where our patent is around, which is the way that we convert the biomass into a powderized fuel that is very uniform and it behaves in a very predictable way. So, what has been a challenge in the industry is really to be able to overcome the different types of biomass that are available and be able to find the system where you can create a uniform output out of this mixed biomass waste. And that’s exactly what our patent focuses on and what our expertise really lies in.”
Stefano Alva is Chief Financial Officer of Farm to Flame Energy. Farm to Flame Energy was a Fibonacci Finalists in the 2021 Cade Prize Competition for Innovation.
To learn more about Farm to Flame Energy visit their website at ftfenergy.com or visit Wefunder.com/farmtoflameenergy2